Monday, May 19, 2008

Oprah Eckhart Chapter 2 & the Soul Series Premier

Ditching school means that you have to ask your friends in class for their notes, but what do you do if the teacher does not show up? This is what happened to perhaps hundreds of thousands of people who scoured last Monday night (May 12) looking for the 1st installment of the Soul Series. It simply wasn't there.

There were opportunities to pay money to listen to the interviews on XM online & there were opportunities to sign up for a 30 day free trial of XM radio, but no video of the Soul Series premier, free or otherwise, could be found. Knowing that the audience Eckhart & Oprah had so effectively built over 10 weeks had become quite attached to Monday nights with Oprah, we thought it was a fatal error to offer nothing to those who eagerly tuned to see the Soul Series premier.

It reminded us of the first Oprah-Eckhart webcast, which you remember was jammed because too many people were watching & the Harpo team didn't have enough bandwidth. (So no one saw that premier either). Many people never returned from that 1st week of frustration nor did they bother to deal with the large proprietary Macintosh-platform download files that are not PC friendly. This is how we got in the business of providing these videos for free in YouTube format.

So if you have subscribed to our video newsletter & got the full webcast of Chapter 1 in your e-mail inbox last week, you are able now to see in full the beginning of the Eckhart-Oprah paradigm shift with no interruption. (If you have not subscribed to our video newsletter & would like to be included in the weekly mailing of the entire A New Earth webcast, free, go to the top right of this page to sign up).

So what happened to the new Soul Series? Well, we found it at 2 days after its premier date, Wednesday, and here is our report:

1. The program segments run 23 minutes. On the original XM satellite feed, that allows 7 minutes of commercials between program segments.

2. There is a big XM satellite logo in the lower right corner of the video screen, just in case you share the video with a friend & have forgotten where you got it.

3. Oprah's radio studio is very attractive. It's set-up to have a video shoot of high quality. The only clue that it's radio is the big microphones on giant wands coming up from the floor. Nobody is wearing headphones. It's all very cool, although why not use lapel mikes & eliminate the radio look entirely?

4. We only get the 1st segment. The last 3 come tonight, a full week after the premier date. Why the wait?

Overall the interview with Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor is interesting. It was obviously recorded while Oprah was in the midst of her webcast with Eckhart, since she makes many references to the webcast & his work. But it is disappointing. Why? Because we don't have Eckhart's presence filling the screen. These 2 women are talking about spiritual experience rather than embodying it.