Chapter 7 is advertised as the program that will help each of us understand who we really are.
After the opening moment of silence, which has grown to an all time record of 54 seconds, Eckhart leads all of us in an Awareness Meditation. He says that the most fundamental question of your life is knowing who you are and who you are not.
This is also the web cast where Eckhart introduces a wonderful new interpretation of the Christian cross. He explained that the horizontal bar represents daily life and the vertical bar represents spiritual life. The spiritual vertical is the Timeless Now and the daily horizontal brings the stress that comes from "not being in the present moment."
So once again, Eckhart indirectly hammers away at the negative connotations of Original Sin & the Crucifixion by saying "negativity is never a good way of dealing with a situation". You'll see all of this and more in Chapter 7.