Last night's show, Chapter 7, was advertised as the program to understand who each of us really are. In the process of this discussion a lot happened during the webcast:
1. The opening moment of silence grew to an all time record of 54 seconds!
2. Oprah caught Eckhart's cold.
3. There were many interruptions in the feed to our Southern Arizona location. Interestingly, instead of completely stopping, the feed went from 450 kbs to 30 kbs. A very blurry Oprah & Eckhart could be seen while their voices degraded to a bad cell phone connection. Not good, but much better than the picture freezing with no sound that has happened in the past. Maybe they are trying to increase the number of viewers without increasing bandwidth.
4. The preponderance of young women as questioners has now grown to the overwhelming majority. So much for the mid-lifers - was not interested in their questions last night.
On the brighter side, Eckhart introduced a wonderful new interpretation of the Christian cross. He explained that the horizontal bar represents daily life and the vertical represents spiritual life. The spiritual vertical is the Timeless Now and the daily horizontal brings the stress that comes from "not being in the present moment."
So once again Eckhart indirectly hammers away at the negative connotations of Original Sin & the Crucifixion by saying "negativity is never a good way of dealing with a situation". You'll see all of this and more in this week's webcast.